

Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 1

Day 1 -

So this morning I eagerly jumped out of bed the moment my alarm went off, grabbed my Bible and spent an uninterrupted hour studying my Bible......


What can I say, I am *SO* not a morning person (and remember I did say that the hardest part would be getting up earlier, remember?).

So perhaps starting this challenge on a Friday wasn't really the best idea I have ever had, but that's life.

I did not get up when my alarm went off, but I did find some time to have read from the Word and pray.  I read the book of Ruth today (it's only four chapters...), which is a story full of God's blessing and faithfulness.  Ruth chose to stay with her mother-in-law Naomi and trust that they would be provided for, and they were, without a doubt.

This especially spoke to me today in a time where we are learning to trust God for our provision and to follow His leading into unknown territory.

Praise God for His blessing and provision!

I created a calendar to allow me to "cross it off the list" each day as I accomplish my tasks.  I will post it each day as it is updated, which will help me out since I don't want to show a day without the tasks crossed off!

Hoping I can stay on track! Are you doing a 21 day challenge?  Let me know!

In other news...

As you may or may not know, my sweet husband bought me an iPhone last month!  I am still getting used to using it...even though I have been using his iPhone since forever...and figuring out all the crazy things I can do with it.  So I present to you a series of photos I call "Life from the i of my Phone" (Warning: These are all very random....)

(In Chronological Order)

Bacon & Jalapeno Bites for Appetizers - YUMMY!

BLT Pizza with Homemade crust
Homemade Crust - YUMMY
Rest of the pizza - Not so much.
(It had like a weird cream cheese filling that didn't go with the rest of the tastes involved)
This will go down in history as the first thing I've cooked that Harrison didn't like.
After almost two years of cooking, I'll say that's not too bad.

Me sitting in my MK Adopted Director's Brand new pick cadillac ...VERY NICE:-)

A week's worth of lunches I made for Harrison

My *ADORABLE* niece, Cara! 
This picture is actually just saved from an email my brother sent me,
she is in California, but hopefully I will see her soon!

Shoes I bought for my sister's wedding next month!

While cleaning out a lot of boxes from my parents' house, we came across this sign 
from my job as a church secretary in high school.  
The best part is that I made this myself as part of a joke that I was "Employee of the Month"


1 comment:

  1. This is a fabulous idea! I've been trying to find a way to get a helping of the Lord's word more consistently. Good luck with your 21 days!!! :)
