

Friday, February 11, 2011

A "Golden" kind of Weekend

Linking up today for Fab Friday over at Life As a Wife!

We really do have a wonderful weekend planned!

It's homecoming weekend at our University and it's a tradition like no other.  In fact, it's the longest running homecoming tradition in the nation! (Seriously, it was a question on Jeopardy:-) )

It's called "College Night" and since our school doesn't have a football team the students divide into two sides - Purple and Gold, for the school colors - and compete in various competitions (intramural sports, a sign design, spirit points, etc.) ending in a HUGE theater production competition! Each side performs a completely original musical, it is written, directed and performed by students - including all of the original songs - and all the sets and costumes are designed by students.

All throughout, students will cheer for these respective sides with "PV" for Purple Victory or "GV" for Gold Victory.

I am extremely proud to be a member of the GOLD SIDE! When I was an undergraduate, I performed in the show all four years, and then enjoyed having my younger brother performed with me and after me.

Some Pictures from College Nights Past...

 My favorite CN moment - me and my brother Isaac performing together!
(We had the winning show this year - "The Amazing Adventures of Power Guy"!)

 The show from my sophomore year ("Wanted")

 Decked out in our Black and Gold!
(Me, Isaac and our friend Kate...I know she looks related to us:-))

My last Gold Show "Camp" (I'm the one in the air :-) )

So, Harrison and I will be headed down to "Mo-Town" Saturday for several alumni activities before seeing the show Saturday night.  Can't wait to watch those Gold's perform!

So Gold Side, What's it gonna be??

A GV!!

To read more about College Night click HERE  (that's my brother in the first picture with the suspenders!)

Happy Weekend everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Cool!! I love that last photo... woah! Have a FABULOUS weekend & Friday!
