

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Getting Settled

The main question people have asked us lately: How's the house?

Answer: GREAT!! We LOVE it!

Second question: Are you getting/feeling settled in?

Answer: Ummm, yeah pretty much...

As I said before, we got most everything unpacked and put away in the two days after we moved.  But we still had a few things at the apartment.  But now the apartment is completely emptied and cleaned out! ...and our house is a little bit messier.  Ha ha, not really, it was just a few more things, mostly for the kitchen, but our initial energy for putting everything in place has slowed a little.  No worries!

But we are truly enjoying being in our own place.  The main adjustment for me has been a schedule change for going to work.  At the apartment we were closer to my work, so now I have to get up and leave earlier, and I haven't quite figured out the traffic yet.  So that has been a challenge to adjust to the time (especially for this non-morning person:-)).

In other news...I am now a part of our Music ministry at church and I will be singing in the service for the first time this Sunday!  I went to practice with the worship leader (Justin) and his wife (Lisa) last night, and the best part is that they live in our neighborhood!  I am really looking forward to serving with them as we worship God through music.

I am also looking forward to MY BIRTHDAY this weekend! Can't wait to see what sweet surprises Harrison has planned...


  1. Your birthday too?? What day? How exciting :D I am on the 22nd. Congrats again on the new house - how fun!

  2. Hey Ria!

    My birthday is on Sunday, the 23rd! I noticed that our birthdays were close, but forgot to comment on your blog.

    Happy Birthday week!
